
Problems related to your faucets and their solutions

In today’s busy world, it’s easy to ignore the problems related to your faucets until they malfunction. A faucet malfunction can even ruin your  important day when you’re least expecting it, like when you’re running late for an exam, while your parents are visiting you, or when you are planning for some house party.

The basic job of a faucet is to control or ease out the flow of water coming from a water source so that it can be dispensed in efficiently. The faucets in your homes can go through a lot of wear and tear, depending on the size and requirement of your house. Spending a day without even touching a faucet is near to impossible. So while making a decision to purchase a faucet, be very particular about the brand and its services as it is an important decision which saves water wastage and money at the same time.

Problems you may encounter with faucets and their solutions

Rusting/ Wear & Tear

Rust on faucets is a very common problem that we see in our day to day lives. There are chances that rust forming at the exteriors will likely have rust forming inside as well which can badly affect the water quality ultimately making that water unfit for drinking. Rust problem with faucets comes with continuous use of faucets and comes with a solution of faucet replacement with a newer and better one. Choosing a new faucet while replacing an old one do consider Waterman faucets which ensures durability with an amazing after sale service as well.

​​Low Pressure

Another common problem that mostly people face with their old faucets with an aerator at their openings is low pressure. Tiny holes clogged with dirt disturb the water flow. Another reason for low water pressure can also be plumbing blockages and leakages in pipes. And if even pipes are functioning properly, the constrictor valve inside your faucet can be the cause.

Water flow also depends on the diverters being used in the bathroom fittings, the diverter affects the water flow completely. If diverter is the issue then Sleek and high flow diverters are advisable to use as they are easy in operation and helps in maintaining water flow.  While thinking to replace diverters, consider Waterman’s diverters which provide best in class diverters of 45mm best  which are highly sleeker and easier in operations than the oher high flow diverters in the market, so make sure you make the right selection.

You can check the widest range of faucets by visiting the faucets section at watermanindia now.

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