
Water taps brought a great revolution in the history of water supplying and water dispensing system. In the older time, people were used to having buckets for bathing and washing clothes. Later, people were shifted to the tap water system.

Today, we have 100s of brands that are manufacturing thousands of faucets equipped with multiple features, using the same ancient technique to control the flow of water through taps.

Have you ever thought how water taps are made and when were they invented? Let us understand the working of a tap:

If we go back to the basic mechanism of taps, all of them are valve operated, meaning the water is controlled with the help of a valve. It’s like a tunnel is obstructed with a big rubber ball and that rubber ball can be easily lifted with the help of a screw that is installed with a handle on the outside.

Origin of taps and faucets

There were so many contraptions served for millennia. You will be surprised to know that faucets were being used before 1700 B.C. Plumbing and spout fixtures were introduced at the same time in the Minoan palace of Knossos, which is located on the island of Crete.

Those faucets were installed in some private homes of Rome and used to operate fountains.

Lead pipes were used to develop plumbing in some private Roman houses. People also used faucets for their baths, and communal showers were also arranged in ancient Roman history.

Keeping the soul of Roman faucets alive, Waterman offers highly durable faucets in ultimate contemporary and classic designs, fulfilling the need for all types of customers.

All Waterman faucets’ design holds a creative approach introduced by Ace engineers. They are known for providing a perfect blend of modernity and durability in all of their categorized designs.

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