
How to protect & conserve groundwater?

In recent time, we have seen Chennai ran out of groundwater. The same condition is going to hit many areas of the country soon. Twenty-one cities in India are supposed to run out of groundwater in this decade.

NITI Ayog’s latest report on groundwater

NITI Ayogs report says that 40 per cent of the Indian population will have no access to drinking water by 2030. In Chennai, three rivers, four water bodies, five wetlands, and six forests have completely dried despite better rains and water resources than many other parts of India.

The ground water-saving experts have to say that the collective responsibility of the government and the people of the country need to contribute to increasing the groundwater levels.

There are many steps we can take on a personal level to conserve groundwater:

Adopt smarter ways to wash dishes

Washing dishes in multiple slots consume more water than that of washing dishes in a single or double lot. If you have a dishwasher, you must wash your dishes once or twice a day. It surely saves a lot of water.

Fix the leakages

Leakages lead to the loss of litres of water every day. Fix the leaks right away and use water-conserving taps and showers. This is one of the foremost steps you need to take to save water.

Waterman taps are equipped with the latest technology that helps you to save gallons of water every month.

Make underground storage

Conserving rainwater is the most important step we need to take as soon as possible. People are moving towards storing water underground because the groundwater is about to end in a decade or two.

Reduce chemicals

We must stop dumping factory wastes, motor oils, and other substances to the ground to save groundwater.

Don’t leave the tap on while shaving or brushing

Most of us never shut off the taps while shaving or brushing. This leads to a waste of a lot of water in just a few minutes. This habit needs to change immediately as you can save gallons of water.

Avoid Tub Baths

Filling a tub with gallons of water is one of the biggest wastes of water while bathing. You must avoid tub baths for most of the time as they require 2-3 times more water in comparison to the shower and bucket bath.

If we don’t take the required steps, we are going to run out of drinking water soon. Our collaborative efforts only can increase the level of groundwater.

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