
Gas Geyser or an Electric Geyser? Let’s get to know which one is good for you

It is a bit challenging to know which one is better among Gas Geyser and Electric Geyser. Choosing a geyser is all based on your requirement and the strength of the geyser. Both the geysers follow a completely different process and energy source in terms of heating water.

Both of them have their advantages and disadvantages, which is mentioned below:

Electric Geyser

Advantages of Electric Geyser:

  • Extremely safe
  • Easy Installation
  • Takes less space in comparison to the gas geyser
  • No release of carbon monoxide
  • Easily stretches up to 5-7 years (Comes with 2-3 years of warranty)
  • Produces zero pollution

Disadvantages of Electric Geyser:

  • You are dependent on electricity while using an electric water heater
  • Possibility of short-circuiting
  • It is more expensive in comparison to the gas geyser
  • Fast, but a little slower than a gas geyser

Gas Geyser

Advantages of Gas Geyser

  • Get instant hot water
  • Suitable for a large family
  • You are not dependent on electricity
  • It is easy to repair gas geyser
  • Gas geysers are highly cost-effective

Disadvantages of Gas Geyser:

  • Need to be installed in a ventilated space, which means it is quite unsafe
  • Small life span in comparison to the electric gas heaters
  • Gas geysers cause pollution
  • Occupies much space

Electric geysers are the most preferred variety across the world because they are reliable, long-running, and highly safe to operate.

Gas geysers are only recommended when they are installed in a good ventilated space and outside the bathroom. It is because non-flamed gas release can lead to major fire accidents. The toxic gas released while burning the LPG fuel also known as a slow killer.

Use high-quality faucets and pipe fittings to ensure zero leakage of water in your kitchen and bathroom. Waterman India offers world-class quality in all of its bathroom taps and faucets, which are also available online.

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