
5 points to remember when using public restrooms in a pandemic

It’s been a year since the world was hit by covid-19. Our doctors already have made vaccines, but can’t get them due to a shortage of doses. The central government is trying hard to fulfil the need for vaccines in the next 2-3 months. Also, there is no guarantee that you will not be infected even after getting vaccinated. But, doctors said that the effect of covid-19 symptoms will be reduced by a big margin after taking a vaccine.

Till the time we do not get vaccinated, we must follow social distancing and keep using a face mask in public areas. Regular hand wash also helps to decrease the chances of getting the infection.

Public restrooms are the places where people touch door handles and water taps most frequently. These are the places where you need to be more responsible and cautious.

Here are some simple tips to avoid catching the infection:

Avoid touching anything as much as possible

Do not touch doors, walls, and doorknobs unnecessarily. You can use your shoulder for opening the door of the bathroom. Also, you can wait for a few seconds, until someone is opening the door from the outside. Doing so can also avoid touching the doorknob even when you are getting out of the restroom.

Carry a pocket bottle of sanitiser

Pocket sanitizers are easily available in the market. Keep one in your pocket when visiting public places and use it frequently to avoid catching the infection.

Follow social distancing

To break the chain of infection, maintain at least 6 feet of distance while using public restrooms. Social distancing is one of the most important precautions that are suggested by the WHO and all the famous medical institutions in the world.

Do not remove your mask anyhow

Many recent studies found that the coronavirus 2019 has become airborne transmission. So the next time you are going to visit public places, do not remove your mask even if you are a little uncomfortable with it.

Be quick

Use and leave the restroom as quickly as possible. This will also minimize the risk of coming in contact with virus-infected people.

Till the time we do not get a permanent solution to this pandemic problem, we must follow all the advisories and regulations declared by our government.

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